Wednesday, April 28, 2010

commercial shoot : cosmetics

remember that shoot i did awhile back for sunrider?  i finally got around to posting some of the images.  it was a really long day, with lots of waiting, but it was fun to watch the makeup artist work her magic as she applied neutral day makeup to glam over the course of a few hours.  

we shot all of these outside in the building's own asian garden, and in the atrium which had beautiful lighting. i placed watermarks on the images because i want to add extra insurance that they don't start floating around the web. 

btw - we had the peach herbal tea with our lunch and it was as good as she makes it look.  

(note: none of these are ready for press - they will be clipped and edited before use in their ads - i just did a basic color adjustment and posted them as is)


N ~ said...

I think this office is really close to where I used to work when I was at Honda! I kinda remember seeing the logo as I walked to lunch and stuff! Who knew they made makeup! FUN!

Jayci said...

I think you make everything look good - and when something is already beautiful, you just ... AH I don't know what else to say.. SUPERB. :D I love it!

can i be your no. 1 blog fan?? lol

julia said...

noz - they're down the street from marukai (sp?), the awesome japanese market you took me too. they do makeup, herbal supplements, health snacks, everything. it's a mini empire in there.

jayci - i think it's obvious that you are my number one fan. :) plus, military husbands, same age bay goes beyond blogging which is so weird and totally rad.

julia said...

baby, not bay boys. ha

shawna said...

Julia ~ how are you? I love Sunrider...Steve and I have been eating & drinking their herbs for 10 years now! Absolutely love it. Their facial lotions/creams are top notch too.
~may all be well your way ;)

julia said...

shawna - wow, good to hear you've liked their product for so long! we were able to try their powdered peach tea at lunch and it was amazing.